Friday, June 30, 2006

Last Night's Dream

Last night I dreamt that Internet Explorer was a button-down shirt. I put it on.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Vince McMahon needs to be shot

Anyone who follows wrestling knows that the WWE has gone sharply downhill in the last few years and the only thing that could possibly revive it is...ECW. That probably doesn't make any sense to any of you, but to those that do know what it means...pretty darn ironic. And funny. But that has nothing to do with this post. That's cause Vince McMahon's horrible ideas that have somehow found their way to TV have now invaded my dreams. Cause last night I dreamt that I was in a commercial for a WWE pay-per-view. In this commercial, a bunch of wrestlers and Vince himself crash down (superhero-style) through the ceiling of a classroom at Harvard in order to "save" the students from their class. I don't think I want to know what the name of that pay-per-view would be.

And yes, I stopped watching wrestling. Over a year ago. It still haunts me.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Road Trip

One day last month, I felt like driving. So I did. I just started driving. And then I realized that the road that I was currently driving on was connected to pretty much EVERY single other road in the country, plus a ton in Mexico and Canada too. So I realized I could drive pretty much anywhere. I decided to drive to Maine. So I did. And I ended up in Oklahoma. And then I saw a giant blue tiger in the middle of the road. So I stopped and faught with it. We faught for 5 hours and attracted quite a crowd of onlookers. Finally a guy came along and helped me out and together we knocked out the tiger. Apparently in Oklahoma you automatically win a cow if you knock out a tiger, so I won half a cow (had to split it with the guy that helped). I wasn't sure what to do with half a cow, so I just gave it to the other guy so that he could have two halves of a cow. And then I drove home.