Friday, June 02, 2006

Vince McMahon needs to be shot

Anyone who follows wrestling knows that the WWE has gone sharply downhill in the last few years and the only thing that could possibly revive it is...ECW. That probably doesn't make any sense to any of you, but to those that do know what it means...pretty darn ironic. And funny. But that has nothing to do with this post. That's cause Vince McMahon's horrible ideas that have somehow found their way to TV have now invaded my dreams. Cause last night I dreamt that I was in a commercial for a WWE pay-per-view. In this commercial, a bunch of wrestlers and Vince himself crash down (superhero-style) through the ceiling of a classroom at Harvard in order to "save" the students from their class. I don't think I want to know what the name of that pay-per-view would be.

And yes, I stopped watching wrestling. Over a year ago. It still haunts me.


Blogger Sarah said...

Hey, I dont watch WWE but i know its all acting and i didnt know what ECW was till i went to see Xmen 3 and then i saw a preview for it and ECW looks dumb

6/05/2006 6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yah....bout that...u need help bird. wrestling is.......stupid, ghetto, sick, and plenty of other things...maybe u should start stamp-collecting or something...


6/16/2006 7:01 PM  

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