Friday, September 30, 2005

MPD Horror Story

So I was making calls tonight, and I called someone who gave $100 per month during my internship to set up an appointment (we had connected last month but he was busy and so he told me to call again in a month). And he owns one of the two pharmacies in town. As you may know, I had my wisdom teeth out last week, and before the surgery they asked me which pharmacy to fax my prescription to and I went with the one from my supporter. Well I guess after the surgery (when I was completely out of it), my mom changed it to the other pharmacy, since that's the one she always went to and she didn't know that they supported me. But I guess the dentist had already faxed it to the 1st pharmacy and then the dentist called them back and said that we'd had it changed, so they should cancel that order. So when I got on the phone tonight with him I got literally chewed out for about twenty minutes. I apologized and was able to tell my side of the story, but he didn’t seem to care that it wasn’t me that changed it. In the end, his argument remained the same: “I donate thousands of dollars to the community and to you, and you think that would be worth a little business.” And then he yanked his support and said he probably wouldn’t change his mind unless he “had a chat with my mom.” I talked to my parents about it tonight and told him what he said. I didn’t pressure her at all one way or the other cause I think he’s being kind of unfair. In fact, I'm not too sure that I want her to talk to him at all. Him supporting me doesn't really involve her. He should be giving because of the cause, not business. Regardless, I’m not really sure what to do about this. I didn’t do anything wrong and my mom didn’t do anything wrong. I’d love to blame the dentist, cause what they did was fairly stupid, but that won’t fix things. It’s just a really unfortunate situation. I hate losing $100 per month, and it’s really discouraging, but I have no idea how to fix things and make everything good again. Bleh on the fallen world.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Bread crumbs on a mid-summer late afternoon/early evening.

Who likes ketchup?

Randy. Randy likes ketchup. Randy also likes mustard. But not relish. Relish is for sissies.

One day, though, the relish decided to attack back at Randy.

It pushed itself to the edge of the shelf in the fridge until it was right up against the door. And then Randy opened the fridge...

And the relish started to fall.

But then something happened the relish did not expect.

A hand reached out from the bottom shelf from the most unlikely of creatures. A hobbit grabbed the relish as it fell, unscrewed the top, and devoured the whole jar in one fell swoop.

Randy looked down and saw Samwise Gamgee on the bottom shelf of his fridge. "Hi Sam."

Sam looked up at Randy. "Well, hello there, Mr. Randy."

Randy shut the fridge door.

Sunday, September 11, 2005


So back when I was in the first grade, I thought that the term "female" was another word for "alien." It wasn't until I was playing Ultima II on the old Commodore 64 and I was choosing my character and I had a choice between male and female for my character did my parents politely inform me that "female" does not actually mean "alien," and it was instead the gender classification for women. I think my mom had a little fun with that one and feigned some offense that I thought she was an alien, but in the end no big deal...

Recently, for no reason whatsoever, this memory came to mind and I decided to reevaluate my thoughts on the term "female." After a little bit of thinking, I decided that my parents were wrong, and I, as a first grader, was right. Females are aliens.

(No, nothing has happened recently to make me come to this decision. It's just a pretty simple conclusion given the facts available.)