Friday, September 16, 2005

Bread crumbs on a mid-summer late afternoon/early evening.

Who likes ketchup?

Randy. Randy likes ketchup. Randy also likes mustard. But not relish. Relish is for sissies.

One day, though, the relish decided to attack back at Randy.

It pushed itself to the edge of the shelf in the fridge until it was right up against the door. And then Randy opened the fridge...

And the relish started to fall.

But then something happened the relish did not expect.

A hand reached out from the bottom shelf from the most unlikely of creatures. A hobbit grabbed the relish as it fell, unscrewed the top, and devoured the whole jar in one fell swoop.

Randy looked down and saw Samwise Gamgee on the bottom shelf of his fridge. "Hi Sam."

Sam looked up at Randy. "Well, hello there, Mr. Randy."

Randy shut the fridge door.


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