I know, two posts in one week. Incredible, isn't it? And yeah, the curse word in the title is uncharacteristic, but it's a quote. And quoting curse words isn't nearly as bad as saying them. Anyway, my rant:
As a software developer, it's an absolute crime that I'm stuck on dialup internet. But yet here I am. Which means that anytime someone wants me to view their myspace page, it takes like FIVE FREAKING MINUTES to load. Not to mention that my system seems to get really slow whenever a myspace page is up on my screen. And that doesn't seem to happen with any other websites I go to. Plus I'm running a top-of-the-line Dell Laptop. My system shouldn't pause for a minute like that just because I'm loading a myspace page. Ugh. And maybe it's Firefox's problem, but I prefer to blame Myspace. So I just refuse to go there anymore. Tata MySpace.
And here's a website that I just found that my quote came from:

Hey, did you have a myspace account???? and maybe you should buy highspeed if you dont like dial up anymore eh
I don't like Myspace either. and If you raise enough support, you can stay here in Orlando and I have High speed internet.. and if you don't like mine, there are 4 other UNSECURED wireless networks in range of your future room... assuming you still want to stay here after I tell you that I have to raise your rent because I can't afford the price I gave you.... BTW.. How fast does my yahoo 360 page load? do you even look at it anymore? --Darwin
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