Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentine's Day

So I was going to throw in a huge rant about Valentine's Day, but then I realized that everyone did that. And I hate doing something that everyone else did. Not to say that if you did write something about Valentine's Day that it's bad, but if I wrote one now, I think I'd feel like I'd have to go take a shower. And that'd be quite difficult seeing as how I'm at work right now. Regardless, I feel quite good about how my Valentine's Day went. I woke up, went to work, went to orchestra, went home, read some wrestling news, and went to bed. Beautiful. Did I mention I love being single? No? Consider it mentioned.

Alright, I think I promised a story or something. And I think I'm going to actually choose a setting for this one. I'm thinking we'll go with a Monday night at TD Waterhouse arena. Not just any Monday night though. A Monday night when the WWE is in town doing a taping for Monday Night Raw.

Ya know, scratch that. I have no idea what I'd write a wrestling story about. Unless... No, that wouldn't be good. Wait a minute... What the heck am I doing? I'm trying to plan out a story before I write it! That's totally not my style. I need to just write. Yikes. That was almost a disaster...

Okay, so this one Wednesday afternoon, this guy named Home was practicing his mad soccer skillz in his parents' bedroom on the 2nd floor. Suddenly, Johnny Depp sprung out of the closet and stabbed the soccer ball with a toothpick. As the ball slowly deflated, Depp and Home locked arms and started skipping around the room while they sang a Hungarian Waltz together. Eventually they tripped and fell out the window onto a large plate full of yogurt. They were kinda hurting after that two-story fall. Actually, let's just say they died. The end.

Wow. Note to self: Don't write stories on only 3.5 hours of sleep. That was just scary.

Okay I'm done. Have a wonderful 15th of February!


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